Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about Homosexuality A Public Issue - 1798 Words

Homosexuality: A Public Issue? Richard Mohr believes that outing closeted homosexuals is morally justified. He argues that sexual orientation is not a private matter and therefore, does not violate a homosexuals right to privacy. He believes that outing will increase the homosexual community by creating positive role models. He argues that remaining in the closet is morally debasing and creates indignity to ones self. Claudia Card on the other hand, argues almost the complete opposite. She takes a utilitarian stance on outing the big secret. The big secret is referring to one being a homosexual. She believes that outing is justified as long as it does no harm, which she believes is unlikely. Mohrs definition of outing is†¦show more content†¦Mohr says, The dynamics of the closet do not comport with what a right is. He says that a right means a permission to act as I want. However, it does not pertain to the closet case because the closet is coerced by economic and moral standards. There is economic coercion because if outed, one might lose their employment statues. There is moral coercion because one has been socialized that being a homosexual is wrong. Mohrs underlying thought is that no one chooses to be in the closet; rather they are forced to being in the closet. Mohrs next argument is against the right to secrecy. He says that there is no right to secrecy unless there is an explicit agreement. Secrecy about the closet is rarely the result of an agreement. It is more like an unwritten social convention held by the gay community and therefore outing is justified. Mohr argues that the irony of the big secret is that its intention is to protect the homosexuals yet it is a complete capitulation to the general social belief that the only good gay is a nonexistent one, which leads to Mohrs theory on the theft of dignity. Mohrs last justification for outing is that being in the closet steals ones dignity. He says, The closet case tries to assure his happiness by maintaining his closet [but] what the closet case does in maintaining his closet is to barter away his self-respect, his worthiness for respect, his dignity, his happiness, regard, andShow MoreRelatedMedia Analysis of a Current Controversial Issue875 Words   |  4 Pages Homosexuality is the current controversial issue that has hit the media. One cannot avoid the topic of homosexuality in the news, movies, books, social media, newspapers, and even in politics. Homosexuality has become a controversial issue around the globe today. After Uganda outlawed homosexuality in its country, the topic has been trending everywhere in the mainstream media, and the social media. Some nations like the US have legalized homosexuality and this is why there has been uproar afterRead MoreHow the Media has Influenced Peoples Thoughts on homosexuality1410 Words   |  6 Pagesas early as the 1950s. The highly convincing nature of the media’s influence is deeply rooted as truth within the minds of just about every person in America. No matter where you look or turn, in this day and age you cannot avoid the topic of homosexuality. It is being discussed in the news, books, television shows, movies, and as we have most recently now in politics. Since they are labe led to be a minority group, the LGBT community is viewed very differently by society. Although there are manyRead MoreHomosexuality and Religion948 Words   |  4 Pages(80%-12%), a significant shift since July (71%-21%). The public is somewhat more supportive of legal agreements for gays that provide many of the same benefits of marriage; still, a 51% majority also opposes this step. A new national survey of 1,515 adults, conducted Oct. 15-19 by the Pew Research Center for The People The Press and the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life finds that homosexuality in general  ­ not merely the contentious issue of gay marriage  ­ is a major topic in churches and otherRead MoreSame-sex Marriage and Jordan1107 Words   |  5 Pageshistorically and continuously been discriminated against is homosexuals. Author Jeff Jordan in his article â€Å"Is it Wrong to Discriminate on the Basis of Homosexuality?† defends the claim that there are situations in which it is morally permissible to discriminate against homosexuals. He contends that there is a public dilemma concerning the moral status of homosexuality and, unless a human right is at stake, then the government should refrain from favoring by publicly recognizing same-sex marriage. Jordan wasRead MoreHomosexual Articles On The Usa Vs. Saudi Arabia1537 Words   |  7 Pagesdefined homosexuality as a romanti c or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex or gender. The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) exists recently more than in the past, and they are trying to be accepted from societies just like others. In many countries LGBT has seen as undesirable and unacceptable behavior which makes sense because they look to this issue from religious, political, and cultural perspective. However, this issue has been a huge debatable issue recentlyRead MoreThe Argument About Homosexuality Is Not Really An Argument Or A Controversy?850 Words   |  4 Pages The argument about homosexuality is not really an argument or a controversy anymore to some. Seeing that it already has been legalized there is nothing really that we can do to change that for the most part. But there is something that we can do to let people know what is right and what is wrong. Even though gay marriage may be legal now, it is a choice whether or not to partake in it. The issue now is that pe ople are not born â€Å"that way†. No one is born gay, we are all naturally born straight andRead MoreMainstream Acceptance of Homosexuality in our Society Essay1452 Words   |  6 PagesMainstream Acceptance of Homosexuality in our Society In todays society, there exists a myriad of issues which, when discussed, tend to raise the temperature of the citizens proverbial blood. There are a handful of topics that always seem to escalate this temperature to the boiling point among individuals who earnestly participate in discussion, debate and argument. Some examples of such delicate subjects are the death penalty, abortion, and euthanasia. An issue that has in recent years,Read MoreThe Stonewall Riot of 1969830 Words   |  3 Pagesof the issues of war, race and a raging women’s liberation movement, gay liberation in the late twentieth century still sought to impress upon the marginalizing and sectarian constructions that subjugated gays to an imposed peripheral existence of personal and public abhorrence. The Stonewall Riot of 1969 signaled the start of a substantial social movement, the dissemination of which would permeate the gay community and call into action an assault on the mechanisms of social order, pu blic legislationRead MoreSexuality And Public Policy Regarding Sexual Tolerance1074 Words   |  5 Pagesworld today is continuously changing due to policy and procedures of gay marriages, and gays in the military (News batch, July 2014). The current status of society and how we see homosexuality in today’s world is and will always and forever evolving. In addition, the greater social acceptance of homosexuality in the U.S. is catching on and moving from one state to another. There are 18 states and a continuously growing number of countries that now recognize gay marriages. America hasRead MoreLGBT Subculture Essay examples1428 Words   |  6 Pageslooked down upon, and misjudged; however, they are human beings and deserve to be treated equally. Religion is a major aspect on why society believes that homosexuality is wrong and should not be accepted. Individuals who are against the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community because of their religion believe that â€Å"homosexuality is a horrid transgression of God’s plan† (Bawer 74). They consider them sinners because they are going against God’s original intention; relationships should

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Ethics Ethics And Ethics - 2028 Words

Logos II- Virtue Ethics 1. Virtue ethics is one of three dominant methods in normative ethics (deontology and consequentialism). These three approaches are distinguished by the way that an ethical situation/scenario is approached, not on the inferences made. Ethics refers to the moral values that directs an individual’s behaviour. Virtues ethics underlines the role of the character and virtues that one embodies whilst deciphering ethical behaviour. For example a scenario where it is evident that a person is in need of help, a virtue ethicist would state that by helping one would be altruistic and benevolent. Virtue ethics highlights on the agent not the actions, it expresses that morality is derived from the character or ‘morals’, as†¦show more content†¦A virtue is a multi-track disposition and a goodness of rational will, with this mentality and attitude an individual deliberates and contemplates on a variety of factors when taking action. Aristotle states that to be virtuous is to have no conflicting ideas, whereas the continent will have a great need to resist. Thus for a virtuous person it should be easy to be fully virtuous, the exercise of will-power infers flawed virtue. Phronesis is a key concept in virtue ethics, it suggests that virtue can only be fully achieved when practical wisdom takes place. Practical wisdom enables the individual to have the awareness and thought that is required in any given situation. There are two distinguishable traits of practical wisdom, these include life experiences and the agent’s ability to identify the significance of factors which influence different circumstances. Aristotle states that the purpose of being human is to successfully apply reason/‘the virtues’. According to Aristotle there are two types of virtue, these are virtues of the intellect and moral virtues. Aristotle believes that intellectual virtues can be taught, and that moral virtues are acquired. Furthermore he proposes that no being achieves the purpose of life, ‘eudaimonia’ meaning happiness and flourishing without applying ‘the virtues’ and living a life with reason. 2. A virtue is a good-making property, for a person to be fully

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Liable Breach Of Strict Liability Provision - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Liable Breach Of Strict Liability Provision? Answer: Introducation Issue: The issue in this case is related with the impact of exclusion clause mentioned on the sign placed at the gate of EnviroPro Pty Ltd, which excludes the liability of the company for any damages. Rule: Apart from the general rules of business law, in the present case, sale of goods Act (Vic) also applies. It makes the remission that the provisions of this legislation apply only in case of the contracts related with the sale of goods. This Act provides that a difference exists between consumer and on consumer transactions (Carpet Call Pty Ltd v Chan, 1987). The Act also provides that the terms that can be implied under Trade Practices Act also apply in case of consumer contracts concluded in Victoria. The law defines a consumer contact as a contract related with the sale of goods for less than $20,000 or when it deals with the goods that are generally acquired over domestic purposes and when these goods are not going to be used for sale or inputs in the process of manufacture (Crawford v Mayne Nickless Ltd., 1992). Therefore, as mentioned above, there are certain conditions that can be implied in case of these contracts. One of the implied conditions. In such cases is the condition according to which the goods should match the description, when the goods have been sold by description. Terms can be implied in case of a contract dealing with the sale of goods expressly or impliedly when the purpose behind the purchase of goods, has been revealed by the purchaser to the seller (Jillawarra Grazing Co v John Shearer Ltd., 1984). Similarly, the implied conditions are also applicable when the circumstances are of the nature that it can be assumed that the seller should have been aware of the fact that the buyer is relying on skill of the seller to make the purchase. According to section 20 of this legislation, and implied condition is present, which requires that the goods should be fit for purpose under the above-mentioned circumstances. Application: in the present case, a large sign has been placed at the entrance of Enviro Pty Ltd. This sign mentions an exclusion clause according to which the company will not be liable for any damages suffered by the consumers except to replace the goods, that too in cases where the goods were shown as being faulty at the time of sale. In the present case, when Charlie went to purchase equably, he had toured the salesperson of Enviro Pty Ltd that he was going to use the product for reclaiming marketing water. The salesperson also gave an assurance that you are that the water will be fit for this purpose. On the other hand, in reality, the water produced by this product was not fit for drinking purposes. Therefore, when Charlie consumed this water for some time, he became ill. As a result, he was forced to miss work, and he also started to suffer from irritable bowl syndrome. As a result is quality of life was also affected adversely. Under these circumstances, it is clear in this c ase that Enviro Pty Ltd. had breached the terms of the contract, particularly the requirement according to which the goods should be fit for purpose. Rule: The Australian Consumer Law is a part of Competition and Consumer Act, 2010. This legislation has imposed an obligation on the manufactures according to which they should take the consumers fairly. In case of a breach of the statutory guarantees provided by the ACL, the law provides that such manufacturer owes a liability for the strict liability offense (Haros v Linfox Australia Pty Ltd., 2012). The strict liability that has been imposed on the manufacturers by the ACL provides that a particular manufacturer can be held liable for breach even if there is no negligence of the manufacturer (Keays v J P Morgan Administrative Services Australia Ltd., 2011). The statutory guarantees mentioned in the ACL, and the body of strict liability offense so that it can be ensured that the manufacturers should fulfill the expectations of consumers. The strict liability provisions mentioned in the ACL are applicable in case of the manufactures were supplying goods in trade or commerce. The ACL provides that in such cases, a company can be considered as the manufacture of goods if it has imported goods or resemble the goods or the brand name of the company has been used to be promoted as the manufacturer. In the same way, the law provides that it can be said that the goods contain a safety defect if it is found that the level of safety is not the same that can be generally expected from such goods. Although the level of safety may vary in each case, however, the ultimate decision has to be made by the court to see if a safety defect is present or not. Application: by applying the legal rules mentioned above, it has been provided by the strict liability provisions of the ACL that these provisions maybe breached even if the manufacturer was not negligent. Interview of disposition of law, in the present case also, Clean Aqua Pty Ltd. can be held liable for breach of strict liability provisions. In this case, Charlie wanted a product that can be used for producing drinking water. But the reality was that Clean Aqua produced the water that could be used for gardening or swimming pools etc. The water was not fit for human consumption. On these grounds, it can be held that Clean Aqua is liable for the breach of a statutory guarantee mentioned in the ACL. Conclusion: Charlie can bring a case against Clean Aqua Pty Ltd for the violation of strict liability provisions that are imposed by the Australian Consumer Law on the manufacturers. References Carpet Call Pty Ltd v Chan (1987) ASC 55-553 Crawford v Mayne Nickless Ltd (1992) ASC Business-law. Jillawarra Grazing Co v John Shearer Ltd (1984) ASC 55-307 Haros v Linfox Australia Pty Ltd (2012) 287 ALR 507 Keays v J P Morgan Administrative Services Australia Limited [2011] FCA 358

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Scrooge to Belle Essay Example

Scrooge to Belle Paper Dickens uses quite a lot of dialogue in A Christmas Carol, the quality which I noticed that it contributes to the story, is that it makes you believe as if you are there watching them interacting with each other. Also you get to see how the characters speak and act while they are in the presence of other characters in the story, so you get to know the character better and who they regard highly and respect and those who they dont regard so high. Dickens uses dialogue to create atmosphere especially when the spirit of Marley confronts Scrooge and they begin to talk to each other, this changes the whole mood at that moment, it makes the reader impatient to see what they will say to each other and what they will do especially in the later stages of the dialogue where the spirit of Marley confronts Scrooge, You must have been very slow about it, Jacob, Scrooge observed, in a business-like manner, though with humility and deference. Slow! the Ghost repeated. Seven years dead, mused Scrooge. And travelling all the time? The whole time, said the Ghost. No rest, no peace. Incessant torture of remorse. This dialogue shows how Dickens uses dialogue to create atmosphere but it also tells something about Scrooge, Scrooge seems to be observing Marley even though they had been great friends for a long time this tells us that either that he doesnt trust Marley or that he doesnt believe the thing that he is speaking is real, this is where the atmosphere is coming from. Dickens uses short and long sentences to create tension in his writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Scrooge to Belle specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Scrooge to Belle specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Scrooge to Belle specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Here is a short sentence, The chain he drew was clasped around his middle. This sentence describes the ghost of Marley but very directly so not to lose the tension or suspense, another good short sentence is, He looked out. This tells he looked out by it is expressed very sharply making you jump because of the quick action therefore maintaining the tension and suspense. Here is a long sentence, To sit, staring at those fixed glazed eyes, in silence for a moment, would play, Scrooge felt, the very deuce with him. This long sentence constructs the suspense and atmosphere of what is going to happen next, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat and also variety in length creates interest. But even though it is a long sentence it has a lot of pauses which is produced by the repeated use of commas therefore maintaining the tension in the sentence. A way which you could look at it is the merging of many short sentences like He looked out. Therefore creating one long sentence. Dickens introduces humour into A Christmas Carol for example, a ghost so transparent might find him self to take a chair some people may say it is wrong to introduce humour into a story but I dont think Dickens meant for it to be a full on ghost story because introducing humour into the story, it lightens up the mood thus varying the atmosphere. Also you have to look at the audience which Dickens was aiming for, I dont think he wrote the story for die hard ghost story readers but for children, Christmas story but most importantly to put the point across of the appalling plight of the children of the poor. In A Christmas Carol there is many characters some major and others minor from Scrooge to Belle. The first major character is obviously Ebenezer Scrooge who is a hard, cold miser who spends his days counting his profits and wishing the world would leave him alone. He doesnt believe in charity, and he is certain that those who do are just lazy bums looking for a handout. Scrooges entire life is his business and he shuts out his nephew who is the only relative he has. But Scrooge is visited by his old business partner, Jacob Marley, who warns him that if he continues to live his life in such an unchristian way, he will spend all eternity trying to make up for it. Three spirits also visit him who shows him that the errors of his ways turn everyone against him and therefore losing the respect of others making him a lonely old man. Because of what he sees and learns, Scrooge opens his heart to the people around him and learns charity and love and saves himself from the doom of which Marley warned him. Bob Cratchit another main character is an accountant who works for Scrooge, and he is a kind and loving family man. Scrooge generally mistreats Cratchit, but the accountant bears his employer no ill will because he believes that Scrooges life is lonely. The greatest sorrow in Cratchits life is that his young son, Tiny Tim, is very ill. Because Bobs salary is so meager, the family cannot afford treatment for Tim. When Scrooge sees their situation during one of the ghostly visitations, he realizes that he must be more generous to his employee and help save Tiny Tim. Jacob Marley was once Scrooges business partner, but he died seven years ago and now he returns as a ghost to warn Scrooge of the horrors that await him unless he changes his ways. Marley appears to Scrooge on Christmas Eve to tell him of the cumbersome burden that he bears in death because he neglected his duty toward others in life. Marley must walk around and watch people and regret that he did not help anyone or touch anyone during his lifetime. His burden is incessant remorse for his own greed during life. He warns Scrooge that unless he becomes a more charitable person, he will also bear that weight. Marley tells Scrooge of the three ghosts who will visit him. They are Scrooges only chance for salvation. After the warning, Marley flies out the window and joins the other ghosts who drag their chains of duty.